How to Get Cherry Blossom Trees in ACNH: A Guide (2024)

If you're an avid player of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you may have already heard about the cherry blossom trees. These delicate pink trees bloom for a limited time in the game and add a touch of beauty to your island. However, getting them can be quite tricky. This is where this article comes in – we will guide you on how to get cherry blossom trees ACNH.

The search for these elusive trees can be frustrating for players who want to decorate their islands with them. But worry not! We have all the information that you need to know before embarking on your quest for these lovely blossoms. In this article, we will provide tips and tricks on how to acquire cherry blossom seeds or saplings and how to grow them into full-blown trees.

So if you're ready to add some charm and elegance into your Animal Crossing experience by getting those beautiful pink blossoms on your island, keep reading our guide below!

To get cherry blossom trees in ACNH, players can buy them at Nook’s Cranny, shake hardwood or cedar trees from April 1-10 (northern hemisphere) or October 1-10(southern hemisphere), grab balloon gifts during the event period or participate in scavenger hunt festival events. Once you have a sapling, plant it and wait three days for it to fully grow and bloom. Cherry blossom petals can be used to craft various items such as lanterns, picnic sets, flooring and wallpaper. With a little effort and patience during the short blooming season each year in ACNH, players can enjoy these beautiful trees all year round!

of Animal Crossing.

How to Get Cherry Blossom Trees in ACNH

If you're a fan of Animal Crossing, then you know that the cherry blossom season is one of the most beautiful times of the year. During this time, players can collect cherry blossom petals and DIY recipes to create stunning items such as furniture, wallpapers, and clothing. However, many players struggle with getting their hands on these items. In this guide, we'll show you everything there is to know about how to get cherry blossom trees in ACNH.

What are Cherry Blossom Trees?

Cherry Blossom Trees are trees that bloom pink flowers during springtime in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). These trees have become iconic for their beauty and usefulness within gameplay. They provide a source for collecting petals which can be used for crafting various seasonal items.

When Do Cherry Blossoms Bloom?

The cherry blossoms bloom every year from April 1st until April 10th in ACNH's northern hemisphere; whereas they will bloom from October 1st until October 10th if played on southern hemisphere seasons instead.

How Do You Get Cherry Blossom Trees?

Getting your hands on some beautiful cherry blossom trees requires patience and effort but it's worth it! Here are some ways:

  • Buy them at Nook's Cranny: As soon as spring rolls around (April), head over to Nook's Cranny because they may sell them there.
  • Shake hardwood or cedar trees: From April 1-10 (northern hemisphere) or October 1-10(southern hemisphere), shake hardwood or cedar trees daily until pink petals fall out.
  • Balloon Gifts: During the same period mentioned above balloons may bring special gifts including craftable recipes related to the event
  • Scavenger Hunt Festival Events: If any festival events happen at your island during those days make sure not miss any scavenger hunt events, as the rewards are quite valuable.

How to Plant Them?

Once you get your hands on a cherry blossom tree, it's time to plant it. To do so:

  1. Select sapling from inventory
  2. Choose location and press "A" button
  3. The sapling will be planted

Cherry blossom trees take three days to fully grow and bloom in ACNH after they're being planted.

Crafting with Cherry Blossoms

There are many things you can create with cherry blossoms! Here is a list of some popular items that players love making:

  • Blossom-viewing lantern: 6 Cherry-blossom petals + 4 Hardwood + 4 iron nuggets
  • Outdoor picnic set: 10 Cherry-blossom petals + 10 hardwood
  • Sakura-wood flooring & wall paper: Each made out of using only five cherry-blossom petals

These beautiful crafts not only look amazing but also add a touch of springtime season around your island!


In conclusion, getting your hands on these beautiful trees requires effort and patience during the short period they bloom every year in Animal Crossing New Horizons (ACNH). But once you have them- there's no looking back; now that you know how to get cherry blossom trees in ACNH, go ahead and craft those lovely seasonal items!


What are Cherry Blossom Trees in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Cherry Blossom Trees are a type of tree that only grows in the game during the Cherry Blossom Season, which occurs annually from April 1st to April 10th. These trees have pink and white flowers that can be collected and used as crafting materials to make special furniture items.

To get started with collecting these blossoms, you'll need to shake the trees during their blooming season. You can then collect the petals that fall from the tree and use them for crafting purposes.

How Can I Get Cherry Blossom Trees in ACNH?

To get cherry blossom trees on your island, you'll need to wait until they appear naturally during their blooming season. During this time, new cherry blossom trees will grow on your island randomly each day.

If you miss out on getting enough of these trees while they're growing naturally on your island or if you want more than what grows there by default – say for decorative purposes – unfortunately there is no way to obtain additional cherry blossom saplings outside of waiting for next year's event.

However, players have found creative ways around this roadblock by using custom patterns! By creating custom patterns resembling cherry blossoms and placing them over normal saplings or other decor such as lanterns reminiscent of those seen at Japanese temples surrounded by sakura blooms (a common sight), it is possible to create a beautiful imitation of an actual grove!

Can I Time Travel To Get More Cherry Blossom Trees In ACNH?

Yes! If you missed out collecting enough cherry blossom petals within their blooming season window (April 1-10), don't worry about it. You can always set your Nintendo Switch's date/time settings forward one year into next spring when cherries bloom again; however we do not recommend this method due its potential negative impacts like dropping turnip prices etc..

But keep in mind that there might be certain timed items or events that you will miss out on by time traveling. Also, if you time travel too far ahead into the future, sometimes your island’s appearance could change drastically.

What Can I Craft With Cherry Blossom Petals In ACNH?

You can craft a variety of items with cherry blossom petals obtained from shaking and collecting them during their blooming season such as the Blossom Viewing Lanterns, Outdoor Picnic Set, Cherry Blossom Pochette Bag and even wall/flooring options!

To craft these items, players must have collected enough petals to satisfy the recipe requirements. The recipes for all of these items are available to collect during cherry blossom season.

How Long Does It Take For A Cherry Blossom Tree To Grow In ACNH?

Cherry blossom trees grow instantly in Animal Crossing: New Horizons when they appear naturally on your island between April 1-10th each year. However it is not possible to plant more saplings yourself outside this window; players who want additional trees need to wait until next year's event or get creative using custom patterns as mentioned before!

How to Get Cherry Blossom Trees in ACNH: A Guide (2024)
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